100 Days of Social Media

In Brooklyn, Bushwick’s trees were wiped out by the tornado that passed by in the fall. I was afraid it would be a barren city scape in spring here. But city workers planted new trees all along my street and in Maria Hernandez park, just before the winter snows. Walking home today I see the little trees survived the transplant, clusters of their flowers dancing in the late afternoon sun in jubilant full bloom.

I’ve just passed 100 days in my experiment with social media, and it feels like a tree full of new blossoms too.

It seemed strange that I avoided joining even Facebook and Twitter until 2011, but certain types of technology have always baffled me. Although I can sequence DNA and clone genes in the lab, I have a really rough time changing printer ink, for example.

Now 16 Blog posts, 17 poems, 586 tweets, 2 travel logs and 2 videos later, what started as an experiment has become an adventure. Sometimes I walk around saying little things to myself in 140 characters now, my family tell me. I’ve stopped wondering if it was going to be scary to get involved with social media sites, and started tinkering with optimizing ways to share ideas within them. I’m enjoying being part of communities of souls sharing everything from philosophy to photos.

An unexpected pleasure is that keeping the blog and yes, even singing on twitter, has improved the flow of my creative writing. The most recently short story I wrote fell onto the keyboard like pouring a liquid, instead of like something I have to excavate. So from the blossoms, fruit.

A few of my favorite things:

  • Facebook’s groups, like the “Verses in Motion” poetry group
  • LinkedIn groups like “Women 2.0”, and their discussion pages
  • Uploading and sharing my first video to YouTube and creating a channel of favorites
  • Visiting writer’s blogs
  • Sharing thoughts back and forth with readers in comments sections
How long have you been involved in social media and what are a few of your favorite things?
Please feel free to leave a comment to share views and join a discussion with readers.

Published by J.J.Brown Author

Storyteller, public health advocate, and author of: Mosquito Song, The Finest Mask, Distracted by Death, The Doctor's Dreams, Vector a Modern Love Story, American Dream, Brindle 24, Death and the Dream, Stream and Shale and others. Find J.J.Brown stories in print and ebook editions at most places books are sold.

17 thoughts on “100 Days of Social Media

  1. I smiled when I imagined the geneticist having a rough time changing printer ink –

    however, I’m glad that you found the world of social media although I have mixed feelings about facebook, twitter et al. I love twitter (facebook – in my opinion – is a kind of virtual playground) and of course blogs, but I (we?) have to be aware that we may know a lot of people via social media, but we know most of them only virtually, not real. Social media is a great way to share information and thoughts, but it gives you also the illusion to have a lot of friends. You’re lucky if you find true friends via twitter etc. – but it could be an exception.


  2. Congratulations, Jennifer, on completing your 100 days! Or, rather, your first 100 days. You’re obviously enjoying it all enough that you’re not going to quit now. : )

    Twitter is one of my favorites, too. In the past few months, I’ve come to like it more than I once did Facebook. Twitter feels more focused and relevant to establishing myself as a writer and connecting with my readers, as well as with fellow writers and other Creatives. It’s what I’ve been looking for for years, without even realizing it!

    You wrote, “Although I can sequence DNA and clone genes in the lab, I have a really rough time changing printer ink…”

    I feel that way about a few things, too. I can travel the European continent alone by train or fly across the Atlantic Ocean by myself, all without qualm. But I get nervous walking into an unfamiliar business in downtown Oklahoma City. No matter what it is, we humans would always rather deal with the familiar! Good for you for branching out into the unfamiliar and haring that journey with the rest of us. : )


    1. Quitting is definitely not my thing. Your observations about twitter are great Courtney. Twitter always reminds me of when my father would come in and give his thought for the day, every day, without fail. Do you know I’m so looking forward to your books coming out so I can read them!


      1. I love it when someone shares a “thought for the day.” Seems like the people who are inspired to share such thoughts are also people who are particularly encouraging or charming — or both. Anyway, they brighten the day for the rest of us! : )

        And Jennifer, thank you for your encouraging words! My first book is actually already out! It’s at Amazon for Kindle or in paperback (http://www.amazon.com/Colors-Deception-Demons-Saltmarch-ebook/dp/B004VB8QSW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1303231600&sr=1-1). I hope you enjoy it, and I’d love to get your feedback!

        Have a great day,


  3. Yes, rejuvinating is a great word. Somewhere within the mind are all these libraries and warehouses of treasures untapped, until someone knocks on the door with a provokative statement or picture and opens the gates. Thanks for sharing this comment Sophia.


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